Thursday, February 21, 2008


well this week mmg mencabar la..seriusly i x prnh pkir dat my friend akan sangke buruk psl i..n i dont care i hilang kwn..i hope la i dpt terangkan kt i noe things will never be the i know some ppl x bleh forgive n forget..and its not anyone fault..lumrah syg kwn aq..n cikgu pernah ckp kwn yg baik ialah kawan yg baik menunjukkan kebaikan dan kwn yg paling baik kwn yg menunjukkan i take that advise..n guess what bende tu da totally rosakkan my life!!man,i x salahkn cikgu tu...cikgu tu x salah satu bende i just kesal cuz i wat one stupid i xnk cter kt sni la..x important pon..yg penting i nk ckp..i guess org zaman skarg lagi ske kte sokong all the thing yg diorg wat no matter it is a good thing or bad thing..itu baru kawan diorg i think ktew smua x pyh nk btolkn kwn kte..biarla dye msk nerake ke hape...sbb klo kte tego or try crik solution utk help diorg..diorg akn ckp kte backstabber!!so to avoid that thing to happen..kte trpakse la amalkn gaya hidup org zaman moden yg tinggal kt tmpt 1st i guess itula jenis pemikiran kelas pertama yg PM kte ckp..i rse la..cuz klo kte tgor kter akn di cop jeles la..ape better utk kter just wat bodak..lantak la diorg nk wat ape..n kte just doa jela one day diorg akan diberi petunjuk..harap2 x trlambat lg..itu jela yg kte bleh thats all la my pengajaran utk this week

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

busy dizzie day!!!

man!!!i nvr feel this tired!!!
homework is like my boyfriend rite now!!!
24 hours must be with him...huhuhu..well last night my c dye call me i thnxed him soo much because wake me up just in perfect time!!12 am...well after chitchat with him...i go to my very beautiful studytable!! :D
i did all my homework and feel so happy...hurm...
i saw the clock...o man!!its almost 4 am n i still not going to bed...
i dont want to be late for i quickly go to sleep...i had a very terrible dream..well i like to keep it as a secret... late!!my dad started to give one of his 'speech' when i took my breakfast with him..
ow well...the same old 'speech' about time management and punctuality...huhuhu///i can remember every word that he is going to say...
hurm...well as usual...i go to school...i get this felling that today will be one sad day...i dunno y...
maybe because i will not seeing faris...perhaps.. not i love with him okeyh!!! i have math,chemist,est,addmath,english and bahasa...
almost every subject has hmwrk to do and has to be hand in tomorrow or by this thursday...
hurm..well today it is my duty to do the announcement...
well im not alone companied by abdul hakeem as he will recide the doa...
hm..well both of us had been scolded by the teacher b'cause do the announcement n the doa suppose to do 5 or 10 minit before 2.30...well we didn't know about that thing...n they forgive us...huhu...
today is sharmaine sports house practice and since i had to complete my homework A.S.A.P.
i decided to accompany her to the sport practice...
well i just went to my class (4 theta) n she go to her sports practice..
suddenly i look at my was hanisah's i missed hanisah sooo much!!!
i cant describe it!!how lost i am without her...felt like wanna cry badly
i just hope she wont forget me n all the memories tht we had together for the past 3 or 4 years..
well...i had completed my english and math hmwrk!!!yeay!!
now i just need to finish my agama islam notes...hurm..its quite a lot!!
well then...since you all know i had to do my hmwork so i need to pen off or should i say type off.??huhu..
okay then...chow!!